Monday, May 31, 2010

Sacramento, the first stop.

One of my stops in my journey will be St. Joseph, MO at the Pony Express Museum. St. Joseph was the East Terminal for the Pony Express. Earlier this week I went to Sacramento to Old Town to include the monument that was erected to the Pony Express at the West Terminal.

Also while in Sacramento I passed by the Capitol and started thinking about all of the other State Capitols I will be seeing or passing close to, so I thought I would add pictures of all the Capitols that I visit Along the way to Indy. Here are pictures of Calee - forn - ya's Capitol.

See you Salt Lake City...


  1. Bon Voyage! Drive Safely... Don't hit any curbs along the way.

  2. SACRATOMATOE ?????? That's not a stop....It's more like a disgrace. Better not be some kind of excuse for why you couldn't make Salt Lake in a Day !!

    Have a Great Time !
    Paul, Jeanne (and Noble Leslie Devotie) Hey is the SAE National on your list of stops??
