Sunday, June 6, 2010

Finally made it to Browning...

It took some extra time but I finally made it to Browning.

But before I leave Great Falls, I wanted to share some additional pictures. You may be wondering how I got the shots of the falls head on. Was I in a boat? Is it an optical allusion? Neither, there is an island that is in the middle of the river. It may be that the island is man created for the outflow water from the electric plant so that it was just a peninsula and it was made into an island. Not sure how or why but it was handy if not fun to get to.

The signs are on the island, although there is an identical warning sign about the load limit from the land side. I am not sure what would cause the 8 short horn blasts to make you evacuate the island, but if there were many cars in the parking area, there would be a problem getting away from the plant as the road is narrow, lots of turns, mostly gravel, and uphill. Would not want to be around if the signal were given.

The local flora are lilacs. They seem to be prevalent in Montana. I have seen them and smelled them at other stops. At the Town House Inn, the clerk was explaining the past couple of winters in terms of the lilac blooming.

The bottom sky picture is from when I was leaving the dam and driving back into Great Falls. It looked like a single cloud 200 miles long. It was quite a sight. The top clouds were a rain storm that I drove right into the middle of while driving north from Utah into Idaho. I did not get much rain, but it was pouring over the mountains on either side of the pass.

The clouds all along the way of the trip have been fun to watch. Nevada was side open and so is Idaho and Montana. You can see the sky for miles in each direction. I have been able to watch it rain and snow and luckily not get too much dropped on my directly. But it has been enough so that the top has stayed up for much of the trip.

Finally, trucks in Nevada and Montana can be three trailers not just two like in California. It is kinda freaky seeing these for the first time especially gasoline trucks. On the way to my adventure to Vernal the other day, there was a gasoline triple going down hill while I was going uphill - thankfully. I stopped to take a picture of the storm cloud going into Idaho and the UPS truck happened by getting back onto the Interstate. It would fun to watch drivers learning to back those bad boys into a loading dock. Having to maneuver that middle section has to take some getting used to.

Thanks for tagging along and now it is on to Little Big Horn and Deadwood, SD.



  1. Falls, sky and it

  2. Great pics! If I would have known you were going to the Potatoe Museum, I would have gone along !!

    What was the "8 Blasts" the warning sign was talking about? Was that right outside the Mexican restaurant?

    Don't forget the casinos !

  3. Looks like you are still haveing a great trip! I'm off to lovely TN for a quick meeting and back to CA on Wed.
