Wednesday, June 30, 2010

With so much windshield time, crazy things pop into my head...

As I was driving to Moab, UT today, I was going through the postings in my head and sure enough as I look at them this evening, I forgot to include the pictures from the Confluence Tower looking at the Mississippi and Missouri rivers.

The first place I was trying to get to was under water.
Looking at McNally's maps, I found a site in Illinois that turned out to be Fort DuBois where the Corps of Discovery started their journey.

On my way around the river, I crossed in Alton, IL and headed south towards St. Lou. As I was passing the Confluence Tower where I would eventually wind up, I saw this huge vehicle moving a set of pipes. It turns out there were 5 of these pipe sections delivered for a refinery near by and due to the rising Mississippi, they were being moved to higher ground. Turning the corner was fun to watch. Most interesting is the fact that the "driver" was a man walking behind the vehicle using a joy stick to controll all of those axles under this thing. Amazing.
Finally headed to Fort DuBois. There was a nice museum and a replica of the Fort that the Corps of Discovery built before their launch up the Missouri. While at the museum I found about the Confluence Tower which had been open for less than 3 weeks. My good fortune.

The middle trees where the rivers come together is where I was originally trying to get to. If you click on the picture and make it bigger, you can see that the trees are in the water.
Finally are the pictures of the wild toads of the Confluence Towers.

I hope I have not missed any other pictures that I spoke to in the blog. Let me know if there is any other place or picture that I missed.

Also, as you can imagine, I have many more pictures than what I have posted. I will find a place to post many more of the pictures later in the summer after I return and recuperate a bit.

Thanks for coming along on my journey. For the first time I am staying in one place for 3 nights - Moab, UT. There are a couple of National and State Parks, National Monuments and Scenic Byways that I want to visit. The drive to the KOA and into Moab itself is beautiful! I can't wait to get up and get moving. But until then, here are the pictures I missed and I will follow with another post or two as well.


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